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LinkedIn like a Pro

LinkedIn quickly became a very important tool for any professional. It is a showcase of all of your professional skill sets and allows others to endorse you for those skills. In reality, it is your online resume.

The first thing I do when someone shows interest in applying for a job where I am working is to have a look at their LinkedIn. That is why it is imperative your LinkedIn is always up to date and can stand out!

What you can do to make sure your LinkedIn is looking fabulous:

1. Have a clear and professional photo as your display photo. Having a cropped photo of you out on the town, or blurry with only half of your face showing isn’t going to do you any favours.

2. Update your cover photo. Not many people use this functionality, but it gives a great standout look as soon as you open the page. Try and choose an image that is relevant to your industry for an extra wow factor!

3. Be clear and concise about your skills and experience, if it is too wordy it won’t be read.

4. Spend a few minutes a day on your LinkedIn to boost your rating. Going through, liking and commenting on different posts, will bring your engagement levels up and allow more people to see your profile.

5. If you are applying for a position, update your profile in alignment with that job profile, to make sure you have exactly what they are looking for.

6. Proof Read Everything! The last thing you want your potential employer seeing is your spelling mistakes.  Make sure you check and double check before you start putting your profile out there.

I hope this helped!

As always, if you have any questions or topics you want to hear about please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Warm Regards,


The Corporate Life

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